BISS Funkeuring Nippon Inu '24, Croatian Future Hope, Slovenian Hope, BISS III Minor Puppy, Istra Winner '24, BIS II Minor Puppy, BISS II Puppy, World Puppy Winner '24, BISS Puppy WJDS '24 Aki Akito Akai Bijo Kara Black Sesame Netherlands 2024BIS BABY II, baby Club Winner poland, Junior Winner, Harumi Takashi Go Hajimari Black Sesame 2022Interchampion, Champion of Germany, Grand Champion of Poland, Champion of Poland, Champion of Lithuania, German Winner 2023, Lithuania Winner 2023, Club Winner Poland 2022/2023/2024 (BOB), NIPPON Inu Club Winner, Poland Winner 2024, BOG IV x 2, BOG III, BIS, Kaishin Go Tsuyama Ruijinsou Black Sesame Poland 2019Shintarou Go Kinrousha Sesame JapanOwari No Momoka Go Champion of Poland, Junior Champion of Poland, Junior Champion of Lithuania, Junior Champion of Romania, Junior Poland Winner '19, BIS Puppy, 2 x CACIB Saisho Go Ihoku Hakurensou Sesame Poland 2018Vice-EDS2018 - IT CH - 2nd Place Wakainu2 NIPPO Grand National 2016/2017 Masamine Go Futomisou Sesame Japan 2015IT CH, TOP DOG Shikoku 2018 Maki Go Nidai Iwahori Sou Sesame Italy 2014Belgian Youth Champion, Split Winner '23 & '24, Croatian Beauty Champion, Slovenian Champion, Slovenian Group 5 Club Winner '23 & '24, Istra Winner '23 & 24, Dutch Champion, Croatian Grand Champion, International Champion, Slovanian Grand Champion, Fudzisan Haito Kon Sesame Netherlands 2021FUDZISAN IENAGA TAKAMATSU Sesame Canada 2019Kouryuu Go Ehime Oohashisou Sesame Russia 2018Fudzisan Azumi no Koharu Black Sesame Russia 2017TOMO NO RYUURAIHIME GO IMANAKASOU Red Sesame Russia 2016RYUURAIKOU GO YUKIHARUSOU Red Sesame Japan 2014DAIYUUTOMOAKIME GO IMANAKASOU Red Sesame Japan 2013